Bolt Action Soviet Bunkers

 Bolt Action Soviet Bunkers

Having built several 'earth and timber' Eastern Front bunkers I decided to build some concrete bunkers based on those used in the "Stalin" and "Molotov Lines".  Each bunker is takes up the best part of a square foot.  Each has three MMG in them.  These were by far the most common type of bunker.

First I made some scrath built trenches.  These were just a modelling project really, I now use mostly resin bought trenches but these trenches are painted like the bunkers and use the same grass  as the bunkers.

These are the trench sections.  They are modular and have 30" of straight trenches plus an anti-tank gun trench, two corners and some enterances and ends.

The same from above.

A couple of possible layouts.

The same from above.

Three Sovietbunkers.  The right hand one is based on a bunker in the Minsk Fortified Area and the other two are based on Molotov Line bunkers.

The bunkers from above.

The bunkers from the rear.  The very small opening on the right hand side of the left and right bunkers is not a doorway.  It is designed to let the blast from a satchel charge escape without doing too much damange to the internal door of the bunkers and was a common feature of Soviet bunkers.

The bunkers from above.  Each MMG was fully watercooled from plumbing within the bunker.  There were automated ammunition feeds and sacks to hold the spent shells.  Each MMG was attended to by two men, a gunner and his assistant.  The central bunker has extra space for a commander.  Each MMG had 60 degrees of horizontal swing and could go 5 degrees up or down.

I still intend to add an anti-tank bunker or two.


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