1941 Eastern Front Campaign Maps
This is the map I used. The tiles are for a Russian Civil War game called "Beyond the River Don". Each turn Soviet, Romanian and German troops moved over the maps. Units moving on foot went half a tile each turn; units which were tracked went three quarters of a move or one and a half if moving by road. Wheeled units moved one square or two squares if moving by road. Turn 2. German motorised units try and surround Gordinische but run into a Soviet tank platoon, leading to battle 1. The Soviets have a fortified area south of the town, whilst the Romanians move on foot up the left flank. Turn 3. Following a sucessful advance the Germans consolidate. Turn 4 was skipped due to bad administration on my part. This is Turn 5 map. The Germans try and surround Gordinische again, this time the armoured platoon tries to attack a dug-in Soviet Machine Gun Artillery platoon. This is Battle 2. The map shows the MGA1 platoon after it re...
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