1941 Eastern Front Campaign - Battle 11 - Last Gasp Offensive
So Turn 20 of the Campaign meant the Germans made their second attack on Western Gordinische. Only the German Zug 1 was available for the attack, but then again only Soviet Platoon Main was available to defend. This time the Germans attacked south of the railway in the more open terrain, robbing the Soviets of the concrete cover they had used before.
Apart from some troops in the brick building, most of the Soviets were waiting in the woods or behind the woods.
The two armoured units were better here than in the built up areas though.
The German forces advanced. Their armoured car flanked, whilst their 88mm gun went into the open to stand off the Soviet armour.
The German infantry rushed for the cover of brick walls.
The Soviets waited, wanting to ambush the Germans in the open.
The two tanks fired at each other, whilst the Soviets opened up on the Germans.
The Germans advanced along the wall, using it for cover.
The Soviets were now fully engaged.
The Soviet tanks hid from the 88mm gun.
Disaster for the Germans as their tank catches fire and the crew abandon it.
The German armoured car then lost its engine and was immobilised.
The next turn the anti-tank rifle took out the German armoured car with a luck shot.
At this time it would have been sensible for the Germans to retreat, but they had come so far they decided to try their luck at destroying enough of the Soviets that they would no longer be a legal Reinforced Platoon.
The Soviets called down an artillery bombardment which damaged the 88mm.
Despite the hard cover the pins mount up. No casualties yet though.
The armoured car flanks the 88mm. Seeing this, the Germans break cover to attack the woods.
By now the Germans were under fire from all sides.
The Soviets were suffering too, despite the hard cover.
Still the Germans advance.
The Soviet armoured car doubles back to help the fight in the woods.
The Soviet armoured car then goes for the 88mm again.
The Soviet armour has the Germans pinned down.
Free from the Soviet Armoured Car, the Germans re-group for a final effort.
Despite being on ambush, the 88mm gun missed the armoured car, whose machine guns finished off the crew,
Whilst the Soviet armour menaced the Germans in the east, the Soviets fell back on the brick building to face the Germans in the woods.
The Germans in the east were surrounded. But they were occupying the Soviet armour to allow the other Germans to try their luck.
Both sides prepare for the final showdown.
The Soviets pour everything they have onto the advancing Germans.
Finally only the German HQ was left and they surrendered.
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