With the Germans advancing on Eastern Gordinische, the Germans noted all the Soviet forces moving east. They told the Romanians that Western Gordinische was open and vulnerable to a 'coup d' main'. Technically the Germans were right. But the Gordinische town Commissar was alert to the threat. Machine Gun Artillery Platoon 2 was ordered to retreat into the town (which it could do - illegal platoons may retreat but not advance). The Commissar then ordered each of the three bunkers in The Fortified Area to give up two MMG crews. These 18 men were used to convert the LMG teams in MGA2, creating two 9-man LMG Squads and a 6-man rifle squad. The Main Soviet platoon sent the new platoon the items it didn't need in its own fight in the ruined buildings - a BT7 tank, a BA10 armoured car and a light howitzer. The platoon took up position west of the town beside the railway line, in Capt Anatoly's farm - a small farm long since abandoned due to collectivisation, its building still standing but its walled gardens barren.

The Romanians on the right advance along the railway line. The scratch Soviet forces defend the farm.
The Soviets advance to attack the Romanian R2 tank.
The Soviet light howitzer hit the Romanian squad, taking it down from 8 men to 4 men but it passed its test.
The Soviet armoured car threatened the R2, which turned to face it. The armoured car also scattered shots at the Romanian squad.
In the woods the battle moves to a conclusion. The Romanian flame-thrower team went first and destroyed the Soviet squad.
The Soviet armoured car destroyed the R2 and the Romanians jumped over the wall to get cover from its machine guns. The Soviet squad in the farm has hit by the Romanian howitzer two turns in a row and was reduced from 9 men to 3 men, but they held.
More Romanian success as the allied German Pz38T destroys the BT7 tank.
The Soviet armoured car continued to harass the Romanian infantry.
The Romanian squad, mortar and howitzer prepare to exit the table if the armoured car comes their way. Under Bolt Action rules units are not allowed to leave the table unless the scenario specifically permits it. However, in this campaign losses carry over, and I allow units to retreat.
The Romanians press the attack. The Pz38T decides to help against the Soviet armoured car.
The tank hit the armoured car but the shot bounced off. The Soviet armoured car shot back and destroyed the German tank.
The Flamethrower moves in to finish the battle. It missed!
With all their armour gone the Romanians retreat.
The remaining Soviets destroyed the flamethrower and ended the battle.
This was the first Soviet win in six battles, and went right down to the wire as best battles do. Subsequently the Romanians abandoned their positions north of the river and retreated all the way back to their original positions south of the river.
If you wondered where the six-man rifle squad was it went into the building on Turn 1. On Turn 2 the Romanian howitzer ranged in on indirect fire and destroyed the squad. On turn 3 the Romanian howitzer also ranged in on the infantry squad in the garden. The howitzer had a great game but it was overshadowed by the all-conquering BA10 armoured car.
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