1941 Eastern Front Campaign - Battle 5 - Eastern Gordinische

The Battle for Eastern Gordinische. The eastern side of the town had been pounded to rubble by the Luftwaffe and German artillery, but the Germans had to get through it to win the prize - western Gordinische and the vital road and rail facilities.

The battlefield. Four and a half residential blocks, a factory and an administration building from 40K! I ordered a "slate grey" sheet for the base. Not my idea of slate.

The Soviets had two weak platoons and set up 12" in. The platoons were weak becuase the railway lines had been cut, so no replacements or reinforcements had arrived.

The Germans had two stronger platoons and advanced over the rubble.

Troops on both sides advance.

German troops pick their way through the rubble.

The Soviets took pot shots as the Germans advanced.

The Administration building was defended by two squads plus the flame-thrower, HQ, medic etc.

The German sniper found that a) he was within 12" of most enemies and b) he lost his spotter. The sniper retreated.

When the Germans did get into firing positions their superior numbers and training started to tell.

The smaller Soviets squads were being shredded.

The flame-thrower team have just wiped out a German squad. The D10 is to remind me that the German Forward Air Observer has just called in an air-strike. Note the Soviet snipers have gone - first shot from the German mortar!

Soviet reserves move forward to plug gaps caused by casualties.

The main effect of the airstrike was a few pins.

The Soviet right flank completely collapsed and the Germans started a general advance.

The Soviets were about to lose the factory too so I called the game and the Soviets retreated.

The only area clear enough for tanks to operate was by the railway line. The PzIIIG and the T34 settled in behind rubble piles and shot at each other without and notacible result.



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