This is the map I used. The tiles are for a Russian Civil War game called "Beyond the River Don".
Each turn Soviet, Romanian and German troops moved over the maps. Units moving on foot went half a tile each turn; units which were tracked went three quarters of a move or one and a half if moving by road. Wheeled units moved one square or two squares if moving by road.
Turn 2. German motorised units try and surround Gordinische but run into a Soviet tank platoon, leading to battle 1. The Soviets have a fortified area south of the town, whilst the Romanians move on foot up the left flank.
Turn 3. Following a sucessful advance the Germans consolidate.
Turn 4 was skipped due to bad administration on my part. This is Turn 5 map. The Germans try and surround Gordinische again, this time the armoured platoon tries to attack a dug-in Soviet Machine Gun Artillery platoon. This is Battle 2. The map shows the MGA1 platoon after it retreated. The Romanians have arrived south of the river.
Turn 6. At the urging of the Germans, the Romanians advance north of the river. The large X followed by a number shows breaks in the railway lines caused by the Luftwaffe. The number is the number the Soviets need to roll on a D6 to repair it. It diminishes by one each turn. Currently all railway lines into Gordinische are occupied or broken.
Turn 7. The Romanians attack and drive the Soviets north. The Soviets were given permission to retreat becuase the units didn't have sufficient anti-tank weapons. The Romanian platoons swapped some units and renumbered themselves. The Germans concentrate their infantry. But the Soviets have repaired the railway line! Replacements and new units flood in.
Turn 8. The Soviets consolidate and add Platoon 3 and a Tank platoon of BA10 aroured cars.
Turn 9 plans. Soviet Platoon 3 and the tanks would attack the German Tank Platoon (although German Zug 1 went to support them.) This was battle 3. Soviet Platoon 2 would attack Romanian Platoon 2 with support from MGA2. Romanian platoon 1 arrived to assist. This was Battle 4.
Turn 9 after Battle 3. Soviet Platoon 3, badly mauled, retreats to the town. Both Soviet and German Tank Platoons are wiped out. German Zug 1 remains with the collected German survivors uner command.
Turn 9 after Battle 4. The Romanian Platoon 1 takes over Platoon assets as the rump of Platoon 2 retreats. German reinforcements foot slog up the road, apart from the armoured cars.
Turn 10. A lot of units are hors d combat, and shown in lighter colours. They can retreat but not advance until they are legal platoons again. Soviet, Romanian and German units arrive. The Germans have pooled their trucks into transport units. The new Engineer platoon is completley motorised.
Turn 11. The Germans plan a three pronged advance. Romania will launch a feint towards western Gordinische. The German armoured cars will attack Soviet Platoon 4 to stop them interfering in the battle. Meanwhile the Luftwaffe and German artilley will pound Eastern Gordinische before German Zugs 1 and 2 will assault the town.
Turn 12. In Battle 5 the Germans took eastern Gordinische. In battle 6 the
Romanians were defeated. This Turn Soviet Platoon 4 joined the
Main force in the city. The German Armoured cars occupied the space
vacated but are now out-of-supply and cannot move further. Soviet
Platoon 2 has been made legal by the absorption of replacements. For
the first time this campaign the Soviets have two trucks and used them
to rush troops forwards. The German Engineers, having built a wooden railway halt, move off in their trucks to build one for the Romanians. The Romanians have retreated south of the river. German trains deliver replacements to Zug 3 which becomes legal. This turn the German forces in eastern
Gordinische will assault the western side of the city. |
This is the end of Trun 12. The assault on Western Gordinische failed. Zug1 is quite strong but has no HQ and few infantry. Soviet Main is only legal because it had a supernumary HQ - the former commander of the Fortified Area. This inexperienced 2nd Lt now commands the Gordinische garrison.
Turn 13. Soviet Main platoon occupied eastern Gordinische. German Zug 1, being an illegal platoon, retreats. Soviet MGA2 absorbes replacements and becomes legal. Soviet Platoon 2, having absorbed a tank and armoured car, moves east and the German Armoured Car platoon retreats. Soviet Platoon 3 is created. German Zug3 moves north whilst German replacements are arriving by train. German transport pools by the 'halt' to take the replacements north. The German Engineer platoon arrives to build the Romanians a railway halt. Romanian Platoon 2 moves south and absorbs replacements, becoming legal again.
Turn 14. Soviet Platoon 2 moves into Gordinische. Soviet Platoon 3 moves eastwards. The new Soviet trucks rush around ferrying infantry to and fro. The German Engineers complete a small wooden railway platform. Romanian replacements await a train. Zug 1 absorbs replacements and becomes Legal. The front is otherwise static as the two forces rebuild. |
Turn 15. The Luftwaffe break the railway line again. Soviet Platoon 4 moves south. MGA2 absorbes more replacements. Romanian Platoon 2 moves north. The Engineers move back towards the main German force.
Turn 16. Romanian Platoon 1 becomes legal and moves south, having transferred units to Romanian Platoon 2. Soviet MGA2 moves to contest the main bridge over the river. The Engineers move to expliot a gap. A new German motorbike and sidecar platoon rushes to help the Engineers. The front is still static.
Turn 17. Soviet Platoon 4 moves to the front. Replacements continue to arrive. In Turn 18 the Soviet Platoon 4 moved westwards whilst MGA2 moved to cover the Engineers.
Turn 18. The second Axis offensive is launched. The Romanians pin Soviet Platoon 4 with a fixing attack. The Engineers and MC Platoons attack MGA2. The Soviets start their own offensive when Platoon 3 attacks AC platoon. Eastern Gordinische is again under assault by German Zug 1 and Zug 2 whilst Soviet Main and 2nd Platoon defend.
Turn 19 after three battles. The Germans won battle 8 for eastern Gordinische and are poised, again, to fight for the western side. The German Engineers won battle 9 against Soviet MGA 2. MGA retreated with the reinforcements for the fortified zone, which will now be reinforcements for MGA2. In battle 10 the Romanians pushed back Soviet Platoon 4. | |
Turn 20 In Battle 11 the Germans once again failed to take Western Gordinische.
Turn 21. The map is very static apart from replacements arriving.
Turn 22. Soviet Platoon 4 convers to a reconnaissance platoon. The Romanians advance again. In two battles the Romanians have defeated two Soviet platoons but have run out of anti-armour options. German Zug 1 is still awaiting replacements. | |
Turn 23. The Luftwaffe gave the Romanians the "Reconnaissance" rule meaning it could retreat from the armoured threat of Soviet Main. Platoons in retreat can go much further than they can advance if necessary. German Zug 2 arrived by train and linked up with its armour. The German MC Platoon moved in front of the weak Romanian 1 Platoon. On the Soviet side, the appearance of the Soviet Armoured Car platoon was a nsty shock for the German Armoured Car platoon. The Soviet cars had anti-tank guns, whilst the Germans only had a light autocannon. The Germans retreated. Soviet Platoon 2 moved against German Zug 1, which was forced to retreat. This has left German Zug 3 rather isolated.
Turn 24. The Soviet armoured cars continued to push back the lighter armed German armoured cars. On the other flank the German motorbike platoon pushed back the Soviet Platoon 4, a reconnaissance platoon. The Soviets were now in the best position they had been since Turn 2 of the campaign. The Soviets generally advanced south whilst Soviet Platoon 5 attacked the isolated German Zug 3. This was battle 13. After this, both platoons retreated, the Germans back to thier armoured cars and Soviet Platoon 5 back to its supply line..
Turn 25. The Soviet armoured cars attcked the German armoured cars and German Zug 3 (which was not a legal platoon and so had to retreat), both of which retreated. The German armoured cars attacked Soviet MGA2 (which was also not a legal platoon) so that was forced to retreat too. Reserves flooded in from both sides meaning that all platoons became lagal again. The Soviets had a new platoon, Guard Platoon.
Turn 26. MGA2 attacked the German motorbike platoon, which retreated. The Soviet Guard platoon and Soviet Main platoon swapped positions, the Guard platoon absorbing many units from Main platoon. German Zug 1 and 2 move to support the Romanians..
Turn 27. The Soviet Guard Platoon and Soviet Platoon 3 attack Romanian Platoon 2. This is Battle 14. The Soviets generally advance South.
Turn 27 Aftermath. Battle 14 was a clear win for the Soviets, Romanian Platoon 2 was still legal - just - but in no condition to fight another battle. German Zug 2 was very much weakened, suppering its plan to attack with Zug 1. |
Turn 28. German Zug 1 advances but the Soviet Guard Platoon is already attacking the weakened Zug 2 along with the re-built MGA2 Platoon. Luftwaffe Reconnassince allows Zug 2 to eacape. Platoon MC is a Recon Platoon so escapes automatically.
Turn 28 Aftermath. The Germans retreat.
Turn 29. The last real campaign turn. The Soviets attack up to the river line.
Turn 29 Aftermath. German and Romanian replacements flood in by rail, but all Axis forces are now south of the river.
Turn 30. I played a few more turns as Platoons shuffled around. German Zug 4 enters the battle, too late to influence it. Zug 1 will eventually face off the Fortified Zone whilst Zugs 2 and 4 defend the river crossings. Endex.
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